photo: María Elena Báez
Latin American Regional Workshop, 10-12 December 2019
In December 2019 we had our first Latin American Regional Workshop in Bogota, Colombia. Organized by Universidad Nacional de Colombia and University of Zurich, the workshop brought together our network partners from Colombia, El Salvador and Peru to discuss their case studies, the joint knowledge production approach in their research, and the design of teaching material. Daniel Pabón presented a methodology to assess climate change vulnerability in Colombia; María Elena Baéz showed how the regional environmental authorities in Cundinamarca are implementing their action plan on climate change adaptation; Luis Mujica explained the role of indigenous knowledge and risk perception on climate change adaptation projects; and Mauricio Pohl and Carlos Juárez presented their study on climate adaptation in the Metropolitan Area of San Salvador.
The workshop also included a presentation by Isabel Häberli (HAFL) to report on the progress of the Swiss case study, as well as a field excursion to the study site of our Colombian partners in Cundinamarca. In addition, the group had a virtual session with members of Conéctate-A+, a cluster of cooperation in the Tropical Andes-Central America region (Andes+), to explore opportunities for collaboration.